Think Aloud

Moving experiences, new thoughts, new hopes, and new dreams...

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Conversation.

Good weekend.

Friday night was just spent relaxing in the suite. We watched Ten Things I Hate About You, which I especially love since reading The Taming of the Shrew. My Shakespeare action figure is looking down on me and smiling with glee.

Speaking of Shakespeare... I'm trying to figure out how to get myself out to Phoenix, back to Atlanta, and out to Phoenix again. I don't think the problem is me as much as my ridiculous amount of stuff. This moving across the country thing isn't as much fun as you would think it might be. But I'm getting more and more excited about being an English teacher. I don't think I'm going to have a clue what I'm doing, but I know I'm going to have fun trying. I keep thinking of all these random things I want to do with classes... despite the fact that I don't know what or even what grade level I'm teaching.

I'm so happy that I know what I'm doing with the next two years of my life. Granted, two years is not a long time, but it's two more years that I get to put off the future. That doesn't really make sense... but in my head it kind of works. But then, today, someone asked me what I was going to do after Teach for America. Oh my gosh... I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone what I'm going to do in two years. I've actually been thinking about it, and there are so many options out there. I've been thinking about going back to school to get my m.div. or possibly going back to get a degree in english lit, although who knows what i would ever do with that! but that's a long way away. I discovered recently that I'm already having trouble living in the present, so I need to concentrate on doing that rather than thinking about life AFTER TFA, which is such a long time in the future.

Anyway, back to the weekend (stream of consciousness... I told you!) -- my best friend's dad came into town for some work thing, and so he took both of us out to a late lunch today and then we went back to his hotel room and watched the Super Bowl from a really comfy bed! I love her parents, and it was actually really nice to get off of campus for awhile.

But now the weekend's over and it's back to the grind. EW. I'm still behind on work, and I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever catch up... maybe I'll go read for tomorrow...


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