Think Aloud

Moving experiences, new thoughts, new hopes, and new dreams...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

You've Got a Friend

Things have been so busy in the past week, it's almost unbelievable. But I've made it through, and now I'm in the lull before it all picks up again.

One of my really good high school friends called me yesterday to tell me that she is coming up to Nashville this weekend. She's coming to visit people; some of her Japan friends are here, so she's going to hang out with us all. My big plans are to take her to Pancake Pantry. If you come to Nashville, you HAVE to have some Pancake Pantry, so I'm introducing her to the tradition. Then she said she wants to shop, which is fine (I'll be looking for summer clothes and teacher shoes if that's the case!). I might take her to Opry Land if she has the desire to go to Opry Mills. I've actually only seen Opry Land at Christmas time, so this could be a treat. Anyway, I'm excited to host her and let her see campus and meet my friends. It means though, that I'll have to work like a DOG to get things done!! No biggie!


  • At Thu Feb 15, 11:01:00 PM 2007, Blogger Rachel said…

    Love the blog! : ) Cool to hear that you're doing Teach for America -- I'd love to hear more about that next week in Adolescent Lit.


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